Tag: laravel

  • Laravel with InertiaJS

    I’m not sure when this whole backend vs frontend battle started in my head. But I’m mainly a backend developer. Ever since I started development, I mainly focused on data structure and coding. I rarely paid attention to any of the frontend elements. My main focus were to ensure that my code worked as expected.…

  • User Roles Many to Many

    Another way to design user roles in your application is to create a many to many relationship. This means many users can have many roles.

  • User Roles One to Many

    There are many ways to handle user roles in an application. One way is to create a role(s) that have many user(s) or a one to many relationship.

  • Laravel Dev Environment in Ubuntu 18.04

    Laravel Dev Environment in Ubuntu 18.04

    Here is how to set up a Laravel dev environment on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver.

  • Laravel Homestead on Windows Issues

    I really want to use Windows and Laravel Homestead as a dev environment so that I don’t have to keep pulling out my Macbook Pro when I’m at home. I have a 2015 iMac at home but I do want to utilize the better hardware on my PC. No matter how many times I try,…

  • Laravel Development on Windows 10 Using Linux Subsystem

    Laravel Development on Windows 10 Using Linux Subsystem

    This is a guide on how to configure Windows 10 using the Fall Creators Update released in October 2017. I will be using Ubuntu for the Linux Subsystem. Ubuntu Turn on Windows Subsystem for Linux in the Windows Feature Restart Windows so it fully installs it Then go to the Windows Store app and download…

  • Laravel 5.4 with Foundation 6.3

    Laravel 5.4 with Foundation 6.3

    I wanted to share how I got Foundation Site 6.3 to work with Laravel 5.4 and webpack. I tried this on a brand new Laravel project. First, edit the package.json file and replace the bootstrap-sass entry with “foundation-sites”: “^6.3.1” Then run npm install. This will download all the dependencies and store them in the node_modules…

  • Configuring Windows Server 2012 to Run a Laravel Application

    Configuring Windows Server 2012 to Run a Laravel Application

    My latest project required me to use the Laravel framework and use a MSSQL Server backend. To do this, I will be using Windows Server 2012, IIS, and MSSQL Server 2012. Installing IIS First thing is make sure every thing is up to date. If it’s a brand new server, you will need to install…

  • Laravel Episode 11: Updating My Profile

    Episode 11: Updating My Profile   Changes in between episode 10 and 11 Cleaned up code in routes file. Go through code and replaced Role::userHasRole() with User::hasRoles(). Removed __construct() from ProductController. Update database diagram to match current database schema. Create route for /my-profile. Create new route group for auth middleware. Create methods in UserController. myProfile()…

  • Laravel Episode 10: More Middleware and Routes

    Episode 10: More Middleware and Routes   Laravel Debugbar by barryvdh Works with Laravel 4 and 5. Great tool for sql profiler among other things. Review the previous episode regarding multiple roles middleware. Middleware implementation is not the same as how I implemented filters from previous version of Laravel. Use Debugbar how the SQL looks…