Tag: gigabyte

  • 2020 Ryzen 3900X Quarantine Build

    2020 Ryzen 3900X Quarantine Build

    For many weeks now, there have been some discounts on the AMD Ryzen 3900X CPU. More than likely, the cause would be the Ryzen 3950X and possibly the release of the Threadripper 3000 series CPU. I’ve been bouncing bettween building a 2000 series Threadripper or Ryzen 9 3000 series. Even thoughts of Threadripper 3000 series.…

  • Building a mini gaming machine around i3-6100 and Gigabyte GA-Z170N-Wifi

    Building a mini gaming machine around i3-6100 and Gigabyte GA-Z170N-Wifi

    My son and I recently build his first PC. He wanted to start playing games on the computer and other things. I used some spare parts I acquired on a failed Hackintosh attempt earlier this year. He does not need anything too high-end since the games he is interested in playing have low to medium…

  • Freenas on X79 and Intel 3930K

    Freenas on X79 and Intel 3930K

    I had some time this past weekend to clean up an old computer I no longer use. It was a X79 platform that was replaced by X99. For many months it has just sat there turned off. I did upgrade the old OS (Windows 7 Home) to Windows 10 Home. Recently, I lost my back…