

Welcome to my blog. Changes are coming so please be patient

  • Upgrading to Jekyll 3

    On October 26, 2015, Jekyll 3.0 was released. You can check out the blog post athttp://jekyllrb.com/news/2015/10/26/jekyll-3-0-released/. I decided to try it out but I ran into a few issues. One big one that many may face is the built-in pagination feature. In version 3, it is now deprecated. You can still use it but you…

  • Developing on OSX Yosemite

    I shared how I configured Windows 10 for my web development needs. In this post, I will share how I configured OSX Yosemite 10.10.5. I will be using Homebrew to install everything I need. This is a great package manager available on OSX that’s similar to apt-get on Debian and yum on Red Hat. So…

  • Using SSL Certificate for Websites hosted in AWS S3

    I have been hosting static websites on Amazon’s S3 service for a few years now and it’s been great. It’s affordable, simple, and fast. But what about if you want to use SSL certificates? I found a nice article on how to configure SSL with Cloudfront from https://bryce.fisher-fleig.org/blog/setting-up-ssl-on-aws-cloudfront-and-s3/. It worked until recently. I started running…