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Laravel Episode 4: Models, Migration, and Database
Episode 4: Models, Migration, and Database Look at the /config/database.php file Use sqlite for demo database touch storage/database.sqlite Look at migration files Explain naming convention php artisan migrate Explain migration, rollback, and refresh Explain up() and down() Explain what timestamps() is Create a default record for user Create a migration for roles table
Laravel Episode 3: Controllers and More Views
Episode 3: Controllers and Move Views Refer to topics covered in Episode 2 Adding assets locally using Node – jQuery and Bootstrap Continue editing the Bootstrap layouts How Controllers are used with Views How to apply active CSS class for controlling style of navbar Adding notification section
Laravel Episode 2: Views, Layouts, and Elixir
Episode 2: Views, Layouts, and Elixir Introduction Get episode2 branch from Github. The V in MVC is View. Views are what is being displayed to the user. Views are found in the /resources/views directory. Show how the default is displayed by explaining the routes file and the view file. Show example of .gitignore file.…