

Welcome to my blog. Changes are coming so please be patient

  • 2020 Ryzen 3900X Quarantine Build

    2020 Ryzen 3900X Quarantine Build

    For many weeks now, there have been some discounts on the AMD Ryzen 3900X CPU. More than likely, the cause would be the Ryzen 3950X and possibly the release of the Threadripper 3000 series CPU. I’ve been bouncing bettween building a 2000 series Threadripper or Ryzen 9 3000 series. Even thoughts of Threadripper 3000 series.…

  • It Took 2 Months to Get My Tesla Model 3

    It Took 2 Months to Get My Tesla Model 3

    I placed my order for a Tesla Model 3 Long Range on October 19, 2019. Here’s what happened while waiting for the car. Here’s the video I made. New Owners Workshop After a few weeks, I received an invitation to attend a new owners workshop held at the dealership where I placed my order. If…

  • I test drove the Tesla Model 3

    I test drove the Tesla Model 3

    I test drove the Tesla Model 3 and here’s what happened.