Category: hardware
Building a mini gaming machine around i3-6100 and Gigabyte GA-Z170N-Wifi
My son and I recently build his first PC. He wanted to start playing games on the computer and other things. I used some spare parts I acquired on a failed Hackintosh attempt earlier this year. He does not need anything too high-end since the games he is interested in playing have low to medium…
My New Sony A6500
I have been doing some research for a few weeks now. I needed new camera if I was going to do more videos. You may be asking, didn’t you just get a Canon 6D less than a year ago? Yes, but unfortunately it’s not great for doing videos. Two big reasons (for me) are it…
Replacing Battery on UPS CyberPower 1350AVR
It’s been years since I got the CyberPower 1350AVR (2012) and recently it stopped working. The LCD just kept blinking and most of the ports didn’t provide any power. I thought it was broken and cannot be salvaged. I searched around the internet to see if others are experiencing a similar issue. Many reported that…
iPad Pro 2017 MP6G2LL
I have always looked at tablets as a gaming device. I have yet to use them to be productive. Being a programmer I can’t use it to develop anything, at least I have yet to figure out a workflow. I have owned several tablets, both Android and iOS. I can’t get past just playing games…
Upgrading to Google Wifi
For many weeks, I have been experiencing intermittent internet connections on my devices at home. At first, it was an issue with Time Warner and Spectrum merging. Then I started to notice it was only affecting my wireless devices. I would run a speed test and the numbers were a bit low. Initially, I thought…
Vello BG-C8 Battery Grip
I decided to get a battery grip for my Canon EOS 6D. I didn’t want to get the Canon brand as it was out of my price range. I didn’t want to get something inexpensive because I wanted it to last long. I found the Vello BG-C8 on Amazon and it had a lot of…
Newmowa Dual USB Charger for Canon EOS 6D
I picked up a Canon EOS 6D a few months ago and was able to get a great deal on it. I didn’t need a new camera but couldn’t pass up on a great deal: got about $600 off, extra battery, and case. The camera came with a charger but I have two batteries. I…
Refurbished Late 2015 iMac MK482LL
I came across a good deal on a refurbished late 2015 iMac MK482LL. The brand new price for this particular model is $2299 but I was able to get it for $1599, plus 10% eBay Bucks. The promotion maxes out at $100 but I still consider it an additional discount. I’ve seen them as low…
Freenas on X79 and Intel 3930K
I had some time this past weekend to clean up an old computer I no longer use. It was a X79 platform that was replaced by X99. For many months it has just sat there turned off. I did upgrade the old OS (Windows 7 Home) to Windows 10 Home. Recently, I lost my back…