Author: sherwin
Laravel Episode 2: Views, Layouts, and Elixir
Episode 2: Views, Layouts, and Elixir Introduction Get episode2 branch from Github. The V in MVC is View. Views are what is being displayed to the user. Views are found in the /resources/views directory. Show how the default is displayed by explaining the routes file and the view file. Show example of .gitignore file.…
Laravel Episode 1: Starting A New Project
My first time streaming on I wanted to share with people how I use the Laravel framework. I decided to create a fictious project and call it Storedemo. It’s pretty much a demo of an online store. I chose this because it will provide different case studies. Being my first time, I ran into…
The Nexus 6P Is Near Perfect
My experience with the Samsung S6 has been a shaky one. I went through 3 different ones before nearly switching back to iOS. I tried out the S6 Edge for a few weeks then I returned it. It took great photos but battery life and the device got a bit warm for my taste. Not…
Upgrading to Jekyll 3
On October 26, 2015, Jekyll 3.0 was released. You can check out the blog post at I decided to try it out but I ran into a few issues. One big one that many may face is the built-in pagination feature. In version 3, it is now deprecated. You can still use it but you…
Developing on OSX Yosemite
I shared how I configured Windows 10 for my web development needs. In this post, I will share how I configured OSX Yosemite 10.10.5. I will be using Homebrew to install everything I need. This is a great package manager available on OSX that’s similar to apt-get on Debian and yum on Red Hat. So…
Using SSL Certificate for Websites hosted in AWS S3
I have been hosting static websites on Amazon’s S3 service for a few years now and it’s been great. It’s affordable, simple, and fast. But what about if you want to use SSL certificates? I found a nice article on how to configure SSL with Cloudfront from It worked until recently. I started running…
Developing on Windows
I recently started running Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 10. As a developer, I have preferred developing on OSX or a Linux VM – it’s just easier unless you’re developing for a Windows platform. But for web development, Windows has never been an option for me. I’ve tried in the past but I always hated…
- is back
I finally decided to bring back my old domain I have been contemplating on this for a couple of years now.